



Wow.  Ok, here's the deal.  I like videogames.  This year happens to be one of the most jam-packed holiday seasons ever.  Also, I just got an X-Box (for Halo 2).  So that's my excuse for the lack of updates.  Crappy, huh? :)

But! I really do intend to do more video editing.  Really.  I want to finish the Angel video I was working on in October, as well as possibly branch out into other franchises. Hopefully soon. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some aliens to kill.


Another month, another excuse.  You see, this is the time of year when videogame companies conspire with each other to steal my time.  They are generally successful.  So now my free time is taken up fighting space pirates, returning kings to thrones, and ridding the city of its evil alien overlords.  And in addition to all that, I'm playing videogames.

So, that promise of another video in a week or two turned out to be false.  But I really do want to get back in the swing of things and make more videos.  I'll just have to make time for it. :)

Willie: "I got this arthritis in me fingers from space invaders, 1977."

Skinner: "Oh yes, that was a very addictive videogame."

Willie: "Videogame?"


Ok, here's the deal.  I'm really, really lazy when it comes to making clips from DVDs.  So I procrastinate.  So now, I'm just trying to download everything I need.  I have a couple of planned videos in the pipeline, but said pipeline is clogged with little bits of hair and procrastination.

Wow, I think that metaphor fell off the road somewhere near Denver.

So, in conclusion, I hope to have my next planned video done in a week or two.  :)


Call me George Lucas, but I just fiddled with the last 45 seconds of Not Driving Anymore to fix a few things that were bothering me.  It's slightly re-edited, and has some new and different clips.  Also, I added imperial storm troopers riding dewbacks to a few shots, as that was what I intended all along. ;)

Edit: Ha! I forgot to actually rename the appropriate files. So apologies to anyone who took the time to download and watch this video, only to find it exactly the same. All fixed now! Different!

Though, I wonder if anyone is reading this news page of mine.  If you are, go to my contact page and let me know.  If you do, I'll give you a bonus mini-mini-video. Hint: Wesley, Angel, music. :)


I just uploaded a new layout that I'm really happy with.  Thanks go to Illusive Designs for the template, and to FreeLayouts, the site where I found it.

I don't really have much "news," per se.  Other than to say please enjoy the videos, and I hope this layout's a little easier on the eyes (and on the resolution).  The site should even be viewable at 800 X 600 now. :)


I used to have a little message here about being new to the community.  I'm not sure if that still applies, as I've now been "around" since early July.  So, my revised intro message is: as a semi-newbie, I really appreciate the feedback.  Hopefully good.  If not, I'll live in my basement's crawlspace for another few years, surviving on nothing but mildew and self pity.

Thanks for all the feedback I've been getting!  Now that I'm trying some new things, I'm going to be appreciating it more than ever.
